TTOPD: Climate Change



Theory of Perfect Design (TOPD)

Hypothesis: Mundo Perfectus (Perfect World)

By: Davide Giovanni Papa




OBSERVATIONS: Beta Except in Part: Volume IX Page: 199-267 (BETA)

CHAPTER  VII: CLIMATE CHANGE : Posted 2021: Added reference Hunga Tonga Volcano

eruption not applied but also relevent.



“That which is denied must first prove to have been duly served. This is the unseen test applied to all matters about the use of ‘evidence.’ A climate change ‘denier’ therefore is a person who simply cannot find the right kind of formal evidence to prove that the claimed change to the climate is in effect. A ship sinks due to treacherous  conditions at sea could be construed as being related to hearsay if a claim is made that the ship had sunk due to a shift in climate; until the time ‘evidence’ of a huge onboard explosion, which ruptured the hull is formally produced. I have not seen any formal evidence of climate change.” D.G.A.Papa


    FTNX founder Davide Giovanni Papa is a leading Professional Commodity Trader (PCT) as well as internationally recognised trade and commerce educator, best selling academic author and expert. Our legacy to the world of trade is set in history.“When I left school at the age of 15, my school principal told me that I will never amount to anything. He was wrong. His predictive abilities were no different from the predictions made by scientists today about climate change.’

    Currently at the time of writing an eruption of a volcano in the Philippines was evident; if this natural event continues to emit emissions at the current rate for a short period, measured in weeks, such emissions will surpass the number of carbon emissions released by current Australian bush fires in the last 3 months. Nobody wants to hear about such matters as it relates to climate change until such a volcano explodes. But there is a valid and relevant point here that needs to be looked at intently.“Earth can accept and accommodate large amounts of carbon emissions, as can humanoid development of lungs, which evolved in an environment where the air was laden with naturally occurring carbon emission, and caves filled with smoke.” Ostensibly people who are reasonably active and healthy but smoke cigarettes can cope with ‘smoke emissions’ more so than those who don’t, can be readily demonstrated, and further show that not only Earth but the human body can tolerate to bear up to a certain level–such toxins. For over 30 years FTN Exporting has engaged with leading manufacturers of the world for all kinds of products, and for 30 years, discussions about ‘climate change’ have been ongoing at the same time when movies such as inter alia, ‘The Prince of Tides’ (1991) was prescribing to matters about ‘climate change.’ Intelligent and no so intelligent people from all walks of life have respectfully argued with me on climate change. Most, however, were belligerent or condescending in presenting their counter-argument. One aspect soon became imminent; we have found that no matter the logic applied and served, to show why climate change is not upon us; it is cut down by populist beliefs, untruths, exaggerations, screaming fits by brainwashed children, and the ‘thumbs down’ crowds found on some social sites. Add to this; the sensational reporting methods used by some sections of the media ‘to sell papers’ in where the earlier tag ‘climate change sceptic’ has now become ‘climate change’ denier. The media has a lot to answer for intentionally creating hysteria. 


    In 1991, (directly due to Mt Pinatubo volcano explosion) a real ‘shift’ in climate on Earth did occur and yet ostensibly nobody knew any better; the type of climate shift that has not repeated itself in the last 40 years. You don’t need to be a ‘brain surgeon’ to estimate the tonnage of emissions (i.e: from by burning coal), created by any single targeted event. The tonnage of coal in, amount of ash out, equals carbon emissions. Scientists do get the maths right at times and have made some great discoveries albeit–equal to the number of critical assertions made, which later were proven wrong. Therefore, if you are not a scientist and you are a ‘follower rather than a leader’ then often one who opposes a common view is given a tag. If you do not believe in a God, you are tagged to be an ‘Atheist.’ If one is promoting a white race policy you are tagged a ‘Racist.’ I am therefore tagged a ‘climate denier’ by those who believe in a prediction supported by ‘scientists’ even though ‘no evidence’ is apparent. I would not call those who believe in such climate change nonsense as ‘climate cretins’ for believing in something where no evidence or proof is evident.  


    Dissoi Logoi Doctrine (DLD) practised by a ‘Sophiste’ provides historical insight into early sophistic rhetoric. As an autodidact, I am also a person who naturally practices in a small way, aspects of DLD as a matter of necessity, due to the peripatetic nature of the business I am involved in. I could readily on merit, instantly drop one argument to favour the opposing view–if the logic supporting the premise is sound. Many other professional entities on the planet think the same way. After 30 years of studying the subject matter, my view that climate change is ‘the biggest hoax created my man’ remains firm to date. I am not a climate change denier, because I don’t accept the concept that; ‘pollution created by human beings’ cannot be controlled and will cause the ‘extinction’ of the population–in 60 years. Some have argued that; “It’s when we humans face the precipice; when we are on the very edge of a crisis, our abilities to change comes to the fore. Sounds good! History, however, tells us something different; we also do ‘go over the edge’ sometimes–with dire consequences following there-after.’’  


    Mt Pinatubo explodes. It ejected 1 cubic mile of ash and material in the air. The blast also ejected millions of tons of Sulphur Dioxide. The effect was so great that the Earths temperature dropped by 1 degree over 15 months. If the science was wrong on this matter at that time, then all studies emanating from such a conclusion are also inaccurate today. I can readily accept to use such data as being overestimated ‘but within reasonable bounds’ which would still delivery the said scenario. 7000 kerosene laden planes taking off and landing in the USA every day equates to the number of emissions produced by 40 million 2.0 lire petrol-powered cars travelling for 4 hours at 100 kilometres per hour. Around 800,000,000 operational petrol-driven cars are used on the planet today. When the maths are applied over one year the futile efforts made in converting to electric cars is obvious. I have not even mentioned the 80,000 ‘dirty’ carriers plying the seas; nor trains, and trucks. Even if I am out by 50%, with the above assessment, the numbers don’t produce a positive outcome in is favouring the idea that electric cars are ‘going to save the day.’


    1912 Novarupya Alaska. This is the 20th century biggest single volcanic event. It is estimated that 15 cubic kilometres of the material was ejected into the atmosphere which translates to over 5 billion Tons. To place it in perspective with other explosions, this one eruption is equal to 239 eruptions at Kilauea (Hawaii) and around 30 times more than the material ejected by Mount St Helens in 1980. (the USA. Their biggest eruption in modern time.) The explosion caused 520 Million tons of ash to darken parts of the United States of America within 3 days. The emission circled the Earth within 15 days. Mount St Helen released over 24 Megatons of thermal energy which is equal to around 1600 Hiroshima Size Nuclear Bombs (1600 HSNB Units). The particles produced by all these events (and the two nuclear bombs which ended WW II) are still circling the planet which brings me to further question the accuracy of those ‘pictures’ we have seen from space showing human instigated emissions.etc.etc. There are so many questions that need answers, following the same thread, and yet it is people like me, who are deemed ‘climate deniers’ for seeking such answers. It is people like me who ask the questions, in where others look for answers in support of climate change, for matters they were not even aware of, to begin with. In my case, “I truly believe it’s all a hoax, based on what I have read and studied over a long period, unlike the majority of climate change promoters and news reports; who for most are simply ‘going with the flow.”    


    I could write about the subject matter ‘forever’ except; at this moment in time more immediate and important day to day issues facing civilisation is at hand to consider other than volcanic eruptions, pending world war, civil wars, huge asteroids hitting the Earth in 2031 in 2036, pandemics, famine, etc.etc. without having to put up with the angst, due to a ‘prediction’ that the world will soon end due to ‘climate change.’ Note: The term climate change ‘prediction’ and ‘climate crisis’ are the new terms now being propagated in the last few weeks, by the media, more so than ever before. The use of these term allows politicians and others to neither deny or reinforce climate change rhetoric by ‘standing on the boundary fence.’  


    Some have indicated that I am prejudicial to matters of climate change because I serve trade advice, and at times trade in fossil fuels. “Well, at the very least, I am handling the very products that most people who have no idea about, telling us all that the end of the world is nigh. Also, studying the matter for 30 years precludes on the idea that I am prejudicial about such matters.’ If anyone wants to argue on this one point, then who amongst us can ‘throw the first stone.’ I could argue that everyone on the planet is just as ‘complicit’ as I am, in causing ‘the claimed’ change in the climate. Anyone who wears ‘cheap and nasty’ synthetic clothes, uses–hair colour, makeup, rubber, drive a car, uses computers, bitumen roads, uses a bus or train, consumes food grown with chemicals, builds a house, uses a boat and all the chemicals used to keep it afloat, uses personal spray-on products laden with LPG propellant, uses medicines, etc.etc. Fossil fuels and the by-products produced from such dictate our lifestyles, without such by-products ‘back to the cave we go.’ Trace the elements back in the manufacturing of the iPhone and see for yourself how coal and crude oil played a vital role in its production. It strains my mind to write about ‘very obvious’ matters that everyone ought to have understood prior.” 


    In 2020 Japan is due to commence producing electricity via coal-fired power stations that will have a 60% reduction of carbon emissions. If this path is followed it can be readily assumed that the technology to burn fossil fuels carrying a 90% or more reduction in carbon emission is less than 7 years aways. In 1930 Australian roads had electric trucks and lorries running on batteries. Note the year! Then came Gasoline in where electric vehicle production ceased. Imagine for one single moment that such battery technology continued to apply? How far in advance would humans be today in using such technology? Sometimes, we humans simply ‘step on our foot’ without taking the time to ‘breathe deeply and pause’ to think about a situation thoroughly before taking action. In the reality of the whole debacle, everyone has to surrender something to traverse from fossil fuels to an alternative energy source. To force people to build smaller houses or sell their ‘big house’, to drive less or not at all, to use less energy, less products formed from fossil fuels; to use animal skin and the return to using rock and wood intently, to travel and eat far less; will create a huge uproar in any society. To forcibly apply as much under the rule of law, will create social instability and unrest worldwide. People do not understand at all, the huge sacrifices that will need to eventuate before such change could be reasonably served. Are we ready to return to the dark ages? Media and people take a ‘facts’ and make it ‘fit’ into a situation and dismiss related aspects accordingly. This is what weak-minded people in powerful positions do best–herd people like one would herd dumb cattle.


    Whales have come back in huge numbers this year after Japanese have stopped whaling.’ If such whales are growing in numbers and thriving as stated in a much-lauded television documentary series recently, it’s because the food that these creatures live on, which are also deemed ‘barometers of the sea’ are in abundance (Plankton) which proves that oceans are still ‘very healthy.’ It seems desalination of the oceans, and the pollution dumped into the sea, which scientists have stated, has destroyed coral reefs and fish stock–has failed to destroy such highly ‘sensitive creatures’ such as Plankton. As for such oceans; this is where we get most of our oxygen from; and not trees as many have stated. Sea grasses found in oceans  is also the biggest carbon storage unit on the planet by a factor of 10  when compared to land  based abilities to do the same. 


In the same period, while Whales are thriving, the same documentary then went on to show us how the last two Rhino’s on Earth are spending their last days in captivity. “Is not progress about making a stronger species or product extinct ‘at the right time’ to favour a less stronger but more prolific product or species in another. Perhaps it has never been about the ‘survival’ of the ‘fittest’ to begin with. Is it not a fact that no species last forever? Extinction of the weaker species is a naturally occurring event. Extinction, therefore, serves a very specific and important ecological purpose in the overall of the scheme of things.” Humans cannot take dictate on ‘who goes and who stays.’


    If scientists were talking about making the air cleaner, or even a ‘shift’ in climate, there is no argument. We would all agree with such aspects. Too much or not enough oxygen or carbon in the atmosphere, increase in freshwater draining into the oceans, solar events.etc.etc. could change weather ‘patterns.’ It happened before in the face of a rising population. The Bible; in Exodus describes, amongst other things, fire from the sky, infestation by frogs, water turning red, hail, famine, disease, death of the first-born, the parting of the Red Sea, mass migration, etc.etc, is in fact, describing the very attributes about famine, disaster and drought. Huge earthquakes followed by a giant Tsunami formed ‘probably’ in the Indian Ocean, unlike anything ever recorded in ‘our’ current timeline, most likely caused by a volcanic explosion, earthquake and/or a large asteroid splintering as it entered Earths atmosphere, around 7000 years ago, at ‘Genesis’ when another huge event caused a large region within a country to suffer a ‘deluge.’ Was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formed from the sandy bellows of the Indian Ocean? As the message passed through nomadic tribes regarding such events, so did the aspects of these events change, in where all paths led to Moses introducing to the world the first set of ‘international’ laws–in a lawless society, along with ‘his’ creation of a God via the ‘burning bush’ aspect. Argumentative? Sure! But the scenario ‘fits.’ Ask practising Adventists–when did the world we know about today commence? 


    Alas, the ‘facts are what you make it.’ Facts produced most notably by ‘scientists’ now indicate that all modern humans emanate from Southern Africa, which is an argumentative conclusion. The facts seem to indicate that we are all in a ‘climate emergency’ with ‘no evidence’ that anything has happened that could be considered ‘above the norm.’ Fact, evidence and truth may imply a related aspect when in fact such attributes are each independent aspects. Getting the facts ‘right’ could also cause an ‘innocent person’ to be sent to prison for a long time. Relying only on the ‘evidence’ could do the same. The truth, however, applies the virtues of ‘reality’ into the application or proposition being tried, to which comes ‘the rule of law’ as we know it to be today, was directly formed on the back of the Ten Commandments (As per The Bible: Exodus: 20.2). the Laws of England today is directly formed on the back of Mosaic laws, as initiated by Alfred the Great around 900 years ago. 

   “The people in a lawless society located in a hostile land were committing all kinds of immoral and unethical acts. One person was needed to lead. To lead, one needs to be heard. The ‘Dictatum’ bush produces a gas, which can self ignite, and is also found in parts of Egypt. Inspired by such an event the creative and highly intelligent Moses decided to take a stance, and a leader was born along with a new set of laws supported by the spoken word of a ‘God,’ ensured ‘simple people’ wanting a better and therefore alternative lifestyle, would listen. This is where the ‘herding of people’ began.” Making an argument fit is not difficult if it is bound by logic or sound hypothesis. In 2010, FTNX had omitted the term ‘Act of God’ (in ITSI) in matters to do with ‘Perils of the Sea.’ In 2020, this term has now been removed by the ICC from international trade business. To FTNX it was not acceptable to place the blame on an adverse event on an unseen and unknown entity. Making sense of a ‘logical situation’ often takes time to apply.


  “The seasons and therefore the weather is dictated solely by the rotation Earth traversing an elliptical orbit around the Sun. The amount of energy needed to alter the climate on Earth to an extinction-level event is equal to the amount of energy needed to move Earth from its fixed orbit or cause it to shift on its axis. An asteroid may have hit the earth 50 million years ago, but the dinosaurs died from asphyxiation. An argument could be made to prove as much.etc.etc. An unfathomable amount of energy, the kind of energy we humans ostensibly cannot recreate anytime soon. A planet like Earth will need much more than a rise in temperature of 1.5 degrees to destroy its habitable attributes. ” 


    What is the current ‘record’ in defining and event causing world scientists, experts, media and leading personalities, to come together to face a common adverse situation that could have dire consequences for the human race, which later proved incorrect? Answer? The panic and hysteria created by such experts; eventuated 6 months prior, to the new year of 2000. The idea that all computers around the world were not programmed to record the year 2000, had cause unwarranted and unprecedented expenditure never is seen again since, on software, especially anti-virus software, storage units, duplication and monitoring software. Extra police were put on standby around the world, as the end of the 1999 era came to close. Electricity producers were on standby. Planes refusing to fly before midnight December 31, 1999, .etc.etc.Panic hit the common person just like it did industry and governments equally, as hoarding of fuel and non-perishable food become evident by early December 1990-all because of the hysteria created by predictions and assumptions supported by scientists and experts. Today, ‘climate change’ nonsense has now become the standing record on the same basis. “We have so many weather records being broken, that its all becoming normal.” Benchmarks are very important to climate change matters because unlike ‘records and averages’ benchmarks give us ‘something to compare’ an adverse situation in one hand, as compared with another event long past without the need of very sophisticated software, instruments or formulations. The mother of all storms, 1818 Typhoon Haiphong, Vietnam does not have supporting records, as such let's consider to entertain as a benchmark, that Typhoon Vera, Japan circa 1959, lasted 8 days and killed over 5000 people, with highest wind speeds recorded for a one-minute duration, exceeded 190 Mph, as tested against another top 5 typhoon of the century, which by the way, are the kind of weather system, along with hurricanes, that are directly susceptible to attributes of climate change. Philippines 2013, Typhoon Haiyan, killing over 6300 people. The highest wind speed recorded for a 1-minute duration was 190 Mph. The damage bill was over 2.5 billion dollars. The only important matter above that scientists should be very interested in is that; over a span of 60 years nothing had changed about these typhoons; certainly not the ‘climate’ they subsist within. For the rest of us, however, the loss of life and then the property would have been our primary concern. To tie the latter adverse aspects with ‘climate change’ is a mistake many are making, every time a natural but catastrophic event takes lives and damages property. To make the ‘argument fit’ aspect is once again being demonstrated. This is why supporting ‘facts’ as current today and not just ‘records’ and ‘averages’ must be very apparent before climate change can be ruled in or out. 


    In the last 2 years, as an ongoing initiative, FTN Exporting has been forcibly trying to get importers of ‘cheap and nasty’ high ash and carbon-emitting coal, to buy only a higher grade and more expensive coal, that produces much lower carbon emissions. This one act alone ostensibly could reduce current global emissions by 12.7% if uniform laws were introduced to support such an aspect, allowing humans much more time to correctly transit from one technology to another without panic. FTN Exporting arranges such a deal with its coal supplier in a way that; if a large contract is signed for high-quality coal, by an importer who was using a lower grade of coal prior, a cash rebate with each order shipped is payable, the type of cash rebate that does not attract taxes, or added custom imposts. We call this unique cash incentive and document ‘CERC’ (Carbon Emission Rebate Certificate). As is stands today, ‘carbon credits’ and the tax benefit ‘write off’ to industries offered by such inputs simply ends up being served as a speculative tool for making money. “A full glass of water laden with a deadly disease does not become ‘cleaner’ or possess a lesser threat when it’s only partly full.“


    Let us forget about taxpayer-funded conventions, full of scientist and politicians looking to create another taxpayer-funded agency. Who employs scientists? The majority of scientists would not even have a job it if were not for taxpayer-funded agencies. A bias could be apparent; suggesting that a great number of scientist are joining the climate change bandwagon, to save their jobs. Let us create the biggest show on Earth! Let us have a real court case, a genuine show trial, where 12 of the world's leading judges/legal practitioner from 12 jurisdictions, (no jury) examine the evidence before them as offered by a worthy defendant and challenged by a worthy prosecutor. The charge! ‘Is climate change upon us and are humans guilty of creating such an event.’ Such a showcase was done before in other polarising events, notably testing religious studies being allowed/conducted in public schools. Let us all see how such ‘evidence’ would be treated and accepted by such a ‘court’ in confirming that, ‘climate change’ is really upon us. Yes! I am denying that we are on the verge of climate change and that we have entered into the said extinction-level event because of it. If climate change ‘evidence’ unambiguously ‘proves’ otherwise, I’ll be the first to 'toss my hat' and change my opinion on the matter, until then- “Psssst! I have plenty of high-quality coal from the USA to sell, with a generous CER attached attracting a US$2.00 per MT cash rebate on each delivery.” 


Footer Notes:

  1. Sophists hold no values other than winning or succeeding. Religion and traditions are frowned upon.
  2. Dossoi Logoi: The application of thought which can consider both sides of the argument, in searching for a deeper truth. A person who has one argument presented, and can shift to the opposing view based on nothing more than sound logic, rather than personal views. 
  3. Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987), was a United States Supreme Court case concerning the constitutionality of teaching creationism. Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947), was a landmark decision of the United States
  4. The ‘Burning Bush’ can be found in Mediterranean regions in where the plant produces a gas which can self ignite in the right conditions. Other species also exist. One of the most popular burning bushes is ‘Euonymus Atropurpureus.’
  5. Saudi Arabia ostensibly may have been formed due to a global event. The unique symmetry of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Persia, with the main landmass, could have been formed of such an event.
  6. To ‘Make the argument fit’ is the aspect being served. 
  7. One energy provider in Australia has installed 1.3 Million customers with solar cells. Electricity prices have not come down. Black-outs are increasing. The idea that we can immediately ‘all change our ways ‘ is nonsensical. 
  8. The need to transverse to alternative fuel sources while burning fossil fuels intelligently in a controlled manner, until an alternative energy source becomes a reliable source; is the proper aspect to apply. 
  9. Record temperatures are not evidence of climate change. The act of taking such measurement may have become more accurately served in these times, than when such records commenced being taken i.e 100 years earlier. Average ‘records’ and data therein, taken over a long period, serves inaccurate assumptions can be readily shown. Forget about ‘100’ years; such records have been inaccurate right up to 1970 can also be readily shown
  10. Many parts of the Earth are also dry or are in a drought and have not ‘caught on fire.’ A shift in ‘climate conditions’ is not ‘climate change.’ 
  11.  A one in a hundred ( 100 years) ‘shift in climate’ could delivery the idea that such a rare event could be construed as being ‘climate change.’
  12. When compared to natural emission, man-made emissions simply has no dramatic effect of overall climate.
  13. NBC Carriers at sea, large aircraft, trucks and diesel trains can generate more emissions combined than all the petrol-driven cars on the planet and all fossil burning industries on Earth, describes the futility of the whole climate change basis. 
  14. In 2020 Germany announce that it will stop using coal in 2038, seems to oppose the idea that we are in any kind of ‘immediate crises’ at all; but Germany is acting in the correct calm and calculated manner, without hysteria, in its attempt to shift to an alternative power source in an orderly manner. 
  15. This is why a small country like Germany can remain fixed as a ‘Great 8’ country, in where other countries with so many resources, low population, strong government, and huge landmass – cannot achieve the same ranking.
  16. Patterns and weather and therefore temperature are each independent aspects serving an intricate system about the natural environment which includes all adverse effect created therein.  
  17. We are told short term weather patterns are very apparent (i.e: El Nino) It speaks for itself that unseen long term weather pattern may also be apparent.  
  18. It could be very probable, that major changes to weather patterns, do occur over a longer period measured in i.e: decades and centuries.
  19. While most of us would recognise a change in weather patterns every I.e: 10 years, very few of us if any, would ever ‘witness’ a change in weather pattern encircling Earth i.e: every 100 years.
  20. Strong historical evidence support as much. It could be that as an example, in the last 100 years the Eastern side of a country received more rain than the West. It the next hundred years, the opposite may become true. 
  21. Historical evidence dictates that all such changes in long term weather patterns are aspects which can readily be tolerated and accommodated by humans and animals is proven by the fact that population is increasing (thriving) 
  22. Historical evidence and fact; the population of Homo Sapien species has increased through such long term ‘shifting weather’ patterns, as measured over the last 10,000 years, in where drought, famine, natural disasters, wars, disease, could not stop nor slow down this ‘progression.’ 
  23. It does seem that Earth has unseen mechanisms carrying specific design–not as created from a supreme being, but as created from another form carrying design. Is not a mountain a direct relative to the sand it is resting upon.’ Earth has unique unseen mechanisms within to repair itself.
  24. Example of an inherited Earthly mechanism: Making the argument fit: Cold jet stream meets emission particles. A vortex is formed. Hail the size of golf balls crash to Earth. Carbon is returned to the soil. Plants flourish. This event may happen in one season or over years, which will cause the climate to act differently during this time of healing. The Earths sensitive oxygen /Co2 ’bubble’ has sensed that there was too much carbon and / or oxygen and particles in the atmosphere. Hail was created to clean the atmosphere until the stability of weather patterns return. Thus such an event is a very important event, even though on Earth people may see this act and destruction that accompanies such event, to be related to climate change. 
  25. We need to listen to the scientists’ is a common catch cry. But is was a Patent Clerk (Einstein) and not a scientist whose ‘scientific’ discoveries changed the world we live in today.
  26. 18 Jan 2020 ABC news report: A Chinese born Australia citizen, completed her degree as a scientist, specialising in biochemistry and environment. This one person has spent every day in 12 months looking for work or even a ‘foot in the door’ with no success. Without government, agencies scientist cannot readily secure paid employment. A scientist working for a government agency, promoting climate changes will not ‘go against the grain.’
  27. So many people with vested interests are making so many unfounded claims.
  28. The current claim is that there is 20 Billion MT of carbon and other particles in the atmosphere today. The impression served is that it all created by humans as no information accompanies such data when sourced, whether natural or man-made emission is apparent. This impression feeds climate change believers:One billion animals were wiped out by recent fires excluding insects was the dubious 'made up number' that was promoted by the media while fires were burning.Perspective:Ostensibly The number of ships needed to carry 20 BMT of coal equates to around 200,000 units each carrying 100,000 MT. On the conservative side, if each ship travels on average 7000 KLM per voyage the distance covered equates to a 1.4 Billion kilometres; a distance of around 9 times between Earth and the Sun, shows how some of the claims made, are made with little thought applied, when you consider that much smaller loads carried by smaller carriers only 50 years ago.
  29. Electric cars: My research to date: From toxic  copper / lithium / ore mines  to dirty fuel fired carriers,  from all the plastic used, from the manufacture of  toxic battery cells, to the manufacture of filling stations, to the added electricity needed to serves such filling stations  to the eventual disposal and recycling of such cars I say that  even more carbon  emission are  being produced by the production of  electric cars than low emissions petrol powered cars  and exhaust emissions therein  combined. Such cars may suite a small country. A country like Australia where long distance prevail , where towing caravans is a lifestyle, where towing boats and trailers prevail, a car able to travel 200 kilometres before needing a recharge is a trivial application. The number one rule is science, for every efficiency on one side made, inefficiencies  on the other side must prevail. Tyres  a by product of the  petroleum  industry will remain an issue. 
  30. Electric car has unseen  and much more toxic emissions , which could be more dangerous that emission which are readily identifiable.
  31. By 2029 , we will see huge  problems emerging from this currently unseen form of  waste and emissions.