...First Life




 The Theory of Perfect Design (TTOPD)

  “Mundus Perfectus.”


By: Davide Giovanni Papa. 

First  Published online :2021 

Most recent edit : 14 March 2024



Design as per Oxford Dictionary: Purpose or planning that exists behind an action, fact, or object, devoid of participation by a supreme being.

Design as specified under TTOPD: That which comes into existence as produced  from a  reaction  devoid of participation by a supreme being . 

“After God and Satan, climate change is the next biggest hoax ever created by man” Davide Giovanni Papa 

First Life:Beta (Corrections applied over time.) 




Rule (a1) : No single aspect found on Earth, whether is active or not active is able to carry a perfect duplication of its form.

(Interpretation: In nature; every leaf, to each grain of sand and every animal; no perfect duplicate exists when studied intently externally or internally under a microscope) 

Rule (a2) : And that, with  (a 1) being ’true’ all bodies within this universe  share the same attributes as (a1) as it relates to ‘perfect duplication,’

Rule (a3) : A design form once eventuated cannot return the exact state from which it came. 

(Interpretation: In nature, a human being once naturally formed, cannot return to naturally become a primate, or interim species thereon.)

Important Relevant  Notes (IRN)

  1. To which the term  ‘infinite’  defines a distance which  is not  ‘accurately measurable.’ Accurately  measured,  does  not  mean no ‘boundaries’ exist; they are  assumed to exist until proven otherwise. 



    85 percent of the worlds population believe in a supreme  being or ‘God’ of some kind. Coincidently around 85 percent of the population also have  an intelligence Quotient of 100 or less. Around 10% of the population has an I.Q of 120 or more. Whether such numbers are relevant or not, is not the issue, what is interesting about such data is the level of  ‘intellectual disparity’ among the human species. This aspect  therefore is a crucial aspect in exploring how human beings have  survive  and even managed to increase  among  adverse events and much loss of life.  This disparity must have existed through to the Neanderthals;  limited number of individuals with a given tribe, who were “smarter than the rest.”  From such intellect, leaders became evident.” Moses as prescribed in the Christen Bible  was a ‘creative’ leader who knew what needed to be said, to those who would listen; to those who were looking for a better life, than the one they were bearing.’



     It may be that a prehistoric creature such as a Mammoth,  carries  within its genes, the evidence that all Elephants found on earth. It could also be that the Mammoth is genetically distinctive, from other similar creatures carrying the same features  pertaining to ‘design.’ This  “theoretical”  aspect reinforces the idea further that ‘all living things found on  Earth’ are ‘independent’ aspects  in that although  current and past creatures  may display very similar forms of design–genetically however  a difference in ‘species’ could be apparent. So many different species complement a diverse rich ecosystem as well a vast selection of food sources, that must be apparent to serve so many unique creatures.The health of a ecosystems often reflects the health  of the environment in being able to supply a source of food  to a host of differing creatures as well as the health of the creatures  that feed  in  the same environment. In 2023 latest research suggest that  the whale population general  has Increased. In light of dire climate change ‘predictions’ it seems the one of the most sensitive foods sources that all large whales rely upon, Krill and plankton, are thriving; an aspect that does not suggest oceans water temperatures  are rising as Plankton and Krill  are susceptible  to even small variation in ocean water temperatures. This is the kind of events - and a very important one at that,  which do not align with matters of climate change; which now brings us the the Dinosaurs.

    The Dinosaurs, especially the larger heavy species such as the “Argentinosaurs”  did not all die because  of a very large asteroid striking the earth. They all died on mass in varying period  through an epoch,  because of suffocation brought on by famine. A Whales Shark  and other large shark species, die if they stop moving, due to a lack of oxygen. Movement for these sharks is life.  Ostensibly an Argentinosaurs can readily exceed 100 MT, but well below the weight of a creature in our oceans today - the Blue Whale, where weights exceeding 160 Metre Tons are common.Let us bring some important perspective to conclude upon why the Dinosaurs died of starvation. One large dinosaur  today could be represented by 100,000 rabbits  of chickens each weighing one kilogram gives us the visual aspect on just how much food would be needed to feed 100,000 chicken-every day.  Imagine a lush green valley, bearing among other creatures, 100 of these  large dinosaurs. Think10 million rabbits? The problem can now be  readily interpreted. Large dinosaurs, is not unlike the Whale Shark. If the Dinosaur stopped eating - it too dies. To keep the brain  functioning meant keeping the heart and lungs  and all other bodily parts of these creatures operational; even when resting, a large amount of  energy is needed to keep the long circulatory system functional from head to tail. 

    Dinosaurs rested from eating by chewing ‘the cud’ (regurgitated botanical matter), for 6 hours or less period of time within a 24 hour day. Due to their size, travelling long distances of lets us say 20  kilometres or more, looking for food was not a viable option. Furthermore, if a preferred fern, tree or plant material, (Herbivores) quickly became scarce; a particular species of dinosaur could indeed starve to death. It is certainly true of the Koala Bear (Australia) where starvation is evident when their habit is cleared of Eucalyptus trees; the Giant Panda can only survive  on bamboo. The Blue Whale could not survive if Plankton level plummet.

    The metabolism of large dinosaurs were literally ‘on fire’ in each of their stomachs. Their limited  mobility to do with travelling long distances, is mitigated  by their height, which allowed these creatures to access  tall trees and plants. The realm of Dinosaurs was thus limited; as was the food source available at any given time, unlike  the Blue Whale, whose realm today is  thousands of times bigger. The dinosaurs perished for a good reason - as designed by the environment that did not support many of them for a long time, in any given epoch. Earth could not support  a thriving planet full of dinosaurs; as it could not support such vicarious eaters. It could not supply one metric ton of food per day, to feed  each creature harboured in a lush valley  for long. As for the rabbits  in Australia, over the last 100 years; they have been eaten, canned, poisoned, killed, trapped, skinned, hunted and even given a virus in an effort to eradicate  such ‘pests,’ and yet they continue to flourish in the wild today. The difference been the dinosaur and chickens or rabbits, is to do with  size. Dinosaurs were made to become exist- the rabbits are not. The irony here is that, if an a large Asteroid  hit earth today; rabbits would survive. The greater the numbers, increases the chance of such number surviving an extinction level event. This is not describing the “survival of fittest” but he declination of the weakest species - of which the Dinosaurs belonged to. 



    Molten or malleable admixtures forming a body, travelling in deep space once breaking away from the place of creation produces dynamic forces. The force created  when  the ‘Montis’ separated from the main body, forces  the  a tail to be formed from the main body, as it break aways  from the place of inception, This  ‘stretching’ process  produces a force called a ‘recoil.’ The retraction of the recoiled material , retuning back to the material  it was incepted from  when perfect conditions are apparent, will cause a separation under force of one or even more bodies from the primary source. These bodies are called  ‘Planets.’ Therefore a planet  before it is fully incepted as per this said forces of ‘retraction and stretching’ produces secondary harboured bodies  such as moons and non harboured material including  comets and asteroids. All such  ‘actions’ come from ‘reactions’ which in turn produces interalia subatomic particles and actual dust in vast qualities.  The body called Pluto, is actually a product of a recoil  as it eventuated from a much larger body. A malleable body before cooling  crashing into another malleable body of equal mass - more or less, produces no reaction; in where both bodies upon impact  may have it course altered but not its mass in where both masses upon collision, remain intact,  as the masses  bend and reshape their design form, without separating or splitting apparent. Large semi solid objects are able to withstand large amount of force;  Malleable material of a much lower weight may also be re-incorporate  into a larger  mass  upon an impact  because the smaller  area of the smaller object is usually much more dense than the surface ten found on the much larger host. A malleable body once it  cools down becomes a solid. A solid  upon collision  produces, asteroids and comets. 

    Testing for radioactive isotopes to arrive at a professed conclusion pertaining to carbon dating methods; can only serve  aspects of insight and evidence and not fact. Timelines developed from such methods cannot be relied upon.  The Earth is more than 8 billion years old and that; Rule (a3) indirectly  declares that  the Earth to be a unique planet in that  its basis at some point in time existed where no oceans or water was evident ; and in where its surface is barren, laden with hills, rocks and dust. Earth can never be duplicated; to suggest as much is to suggest  that many  similar planets such as Earth and all it bears at any  period in time, may exist elsewhere in the universe. To clarify further; all bodies in the universe are each unique forms carrying unique feature pertaining to  ‘its design.’ Under its natural aspect there are no two exact copies of leaves, tree, people or even gains of  sand on Earth, as seen under a microscope. This is true of Earth  and therefore  is reflective  pertaining to bodies found in our universe. The formation of the ‘Montis’ from a  malleable mass to a solid  would have taken an equal  or greater amount of time to form, prior to the event which turned a malleable mass into a solid and that radioactive isotopes may be present prior to the mass becoming a solid. In this aspect a pre radio active era  in the formation of a planet must have  been present, but not accounted for when scientists offer  evidence of timelines and age.  As relevant, it takes  thousands or millions of year for one form carrying design, to become another form carrying design. From sand we get rock, from water we get ice, from sand and waters we get pebbles  and river beds for water to transverse in or be held in. Time, compression and other factors brings to formation that which one was unseen to become seeable. All innate matter  and formations carrying design takes a long time to eventuate and a very short time to destroy.This fact alone suggests that the act of one force destroying a created design form is different to the force that created it. The act of destroying one form that has taken a long time to develop  therefore has purpose. In living matter, extinction  level events therefore are vital reactive forces which follow a natural course. The development of the ‘Montis’ in one action, its progression into Earth as it is today, is another. The destruction process is a reaction to such actions.  The ‘singularity’ event  as currently prescribed  is actually describing  the dramatic release of  unseen particles become seeable as it pertains to a single planet being developed. The formation of a planet and no the universe,  each commenced with a ‘big bang.’ The energy  which  produced the universe belongs to another reactive force.  A form carrying design is specific;any form carrying design is able to produce other form ‘carrying design’ is an important aspect that most scientists have overlooked. No planning is needed  to incept such forms carrying design. Planets are not formed of a ‘grand plan.’ Planets are formation caused by  the reactive process of another event over time. A process exists. A force caused a reaction. The reaction produces planets.  The effect and  not the cause is the force that creates planets; whereas on Earth the opposite aspect prevails - or so it seems.

    For particles  to become  for descriptive purposes, a rock, time and compression are needed. Once formed the rock  is exposed to the reactive forces that  produce Pebbles. From this action added reactive forces produce sand and dust. The end of its natural course, the dust cannot return from  the original  form or particles that incepted the rock. It could return to  the realm atoms and subatomic particles, but not the status of the exact particles that created the rock. The particles that developed  the rock came from reactive process, whereas atomic particles can exist without  requiring a reactive process in the process defined as a immaculate  inception.  The reactive process caused by  a force  defined as energy is able to co exist and an environment laden with atomic and subatomic particles, in where the reactive process that created the particles which turned to rock  belong to a differing process–carrying a designed form  to act accordingly.  From the immaculate inception of the first atomic particle to the form that is earth, in not measurable may be presumed ; what is assumed as being measurable is the idea that earth is  around 4.5 billion years old. Jupiter is a planet be formed into a solid  mass; if this is true -  then carbon dating could give us the age of Jupiter now , as it could when Jupiter  turns into a sold mass while recording the same inaccurate findings.


To be continued...